Alliance for Families with Developmental Needs
Disability Pride Parade July 14, 2019
Join the Autism Awareness Month Program
Give Your Special Love to Someone Who Is Just Different
According to CDC, there is one out of 59 children identified with autism. Between 2006 and 2008, there was one in 6 children having different levels and different types of developmental disabilities. Coarsely estimate, in the age group 0 to 21, there are about 3,200 autistic children and 31,500 children with developmental disability in NYC Chinese community. These children with special needs are around us. Maybe they are children of your neighbors, friends and co-workers. Maybe you see children with bizarre behaviors in the streets. They can be children of your extended families, relatives and even your own children.
The discredited responses of our community towards Autism drive families and parents with autistic children to feel shame and disgrace. Friends, relatives and the public do not understand or accept the bizarre behaviors of autistic children. They blame the parents for lack of parenting skills and wrongdoings of their ancestor. Therefore, parents give birth to autistic kids. These stigma related behaviors undoubtedly hurt the parents caring for children with special needs like rubbing salt into their wounds.
April is the Autism Awareness Month. AFDN, in collaboration with over 10 community organizations and service providers, is holding a series of programs. The theme of the Month Programs is “Special Lover for the Special You.” We invite each of you to join us in these programs and events. Whether you have a child with specials needs or not, through the April programs, we hope you will understand more deeply and thoroughly about what autism and developmental disabilities are. We also hope that our community would be more accepting and caring for children with autism and special needs, their parents and families. Let us build an integrated and harmonious community together.
參與關愛自閉月活動 傳遞你特別的愛
“自閉症” 這三個字,在我們紐約的華人社區來說,可謂聞之色變。當一個孩子被診斷為自閉兒,孩子的父母往往要承受身心靈各方面極沉重的压力。從發現到接受孩子的障礙,這心路歷程,實在難以言喻。
另一方面,我們的社區對自閉症的負面反應,讓家有自閉兒的家庭和父母感到羞恥。親友及公眾的不諒解,對自閉兒在公眾埸合表現的怪異行為指指點點,批評自閉兒父母為 “沒有家教,”甚至有埋怨家族裡有人做了壞事, 所以才生了自閉兒,這對需要照顧特殊需要子女、已經疲憊不堪的父母來說,等如在傷口上灑盐。
根據疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)的数字顯示,每59名兒童裡,有一名被診斷有自閉障礙。在2006至2008年之間,每六名兒童裡,就有一名帶有不同程度不同類型的發展障礙。據紐約市健康局報告記載,華人社區過去五年每年平均超過9000名嬰兒出生,按照上述数字推算,紐約市每年出生的嬰孩,就可能有152名自閉障礙兒童,1,500名不同程度不同類型的發展障礙兒童。而從零到廿一歲的華人人口裡,就可能有3,192名自閉障礙兒童,31,500名不同程度不同類型的發展障礙兒童。這些有特別需要的孩子, 其實就在你和我的周圍,也許是你的鄰居、同事朋友的孩子、在街上行為異常的小朋友、你親友的子女,甚至是你自己家的小孩。
每年四月是關愛自閉月。傳心家長協會,獲得十個社區團體、服務機構及州政府單位的贊助,聯同超過十個社區團體及服務單位,舉辦了一系列活動,主題為 “特別的愛給特別的你”,我們邀請每一位社區人士參與各項活動。無論你家中有沒有特殊需要子女,我們希望透過參與四月份的活動,讓你對自閉障礙有更深入的了解,更願意接受我們社區內的自閉障礙及特殊需要小孩,對孩子、父母和他們的家庭關愛多一些,共同建立一個和諧的社區。
Give Your Special Love to Someone Who Is Just Different
According to CDC, there is one out of 59 children identified with autism. Between 2006 and 2008, there was one in 6 children having different levels and different types of developmental disabilities. Coarsely estimate, in the age group 0 to 21, there are about 3,200 autistic children and 31,500 children with developmental disability in NYC Chinese community. These children with special needs are around us. Maybe they are children of your neighbors, friends and co-workers. Maybe you see children with bizarre behaviors in the streets. They can be children of your extended families, relatives and even your own children.
The discredited responses of our community towards Autism drive families and parents with autistic children to feel shame and disgrace. Friends, relatives and the public do not understand or accept the bizarre behaviors of autistic children. They blame the parents for lack of parenting skills and wrongdoings of their ancestor. Therefore, parents give birth to autistic kids. These stigma related behaviors undoubtedly hurt the parents caring for children with special needs like rubbing salt into their wounds.
April is the Autism Awareness Month. AFDN, in collaboration with over 10 community organizations and service providers, is holding a series of programs. The theme of the Month Programs is “Special Lover for the Special You.” We invite each of you to join us in these programs and events. Whether you have a child with specials needs or not, through the April programs, we hope you will understand more deeply and thoroughly about what autism and developmental disabilities are. We also hope that our community would be more accepting and caring for children with autism and special needs, their parents and families. Let us build an integrated and harmonious community together.
參與關愛自閉月活動 傳遞你特別的愛
“自閉症” 這三個字,在我們紐約的華人社區來說,可謂聞之色變。當一個孩子被診斷為自閉兒,孩子的父母往往要承受身心靈各方面極沉重的压力。從發現到接受孩子的障礙,這心路歷程,實在難以言喻。
另一方面,我們的社區對自閉症的負面反應,讓家有自閉兒的家庭和父母感到羞恥。親友及公眾的不諒解,對自閉兒在公眾埸合表現的怪異行為指指點點,批評自閉兒父母為 “沒有家教,”甚至有埋怨家族裡有人做了壞事, 所以才生了自閉兒,這對需要照顧特殊需要子女、已經疲憊不堪的父母來說,等如在傷口上灑盐。
根據疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)的数字顯示,每59名兒童裡,有一名被診斷有自閉障礙。在2006至2008年之間,每六名兒童裡,就有一名帶有不同程度不同類型的發展障礙。據紐約市健康局報告記載,華人社區過去五年每年平均超過9000名嬰兒出生,按照上述数字推算,紐約市每年出生的嬰孩,就可能有152名自閉障礙兒童,1,500名不同程度不同類型的發展障礙兒童。而從零到廿一歲的華人人口裡,就可能有3,192名自閉障礙兒童,31,500名不同程度不同類型的發展障礙兒童。這些有特別需要的孩子, 其實就在你和我的周圍,也許是你的鄰居、同事朋友的孩子、在街上行為異常的小朋友、你親友的子女,甚至是你自己家的小孩。
每年四月是關愛自閉月。傳心家長協會,獲得十個社區團體、服務機構及州政府單位的贊助,聯同超過十個社區團體及服務單位,舉辦了一系列活動,主題為 “特別的愛給特別的你”,我們邀請每一位社區人士參與各項活動。無論你家中有沒有特殊需要子女,我們希望透過參與四月份的活動,讓你對自閉障礙有更深入的了解,更願意接受我們社區內的自閉障礙及特殊需要小孩,對孩子、父母和他們的家庭關愛多一些,共同建立一個和諧的社區。